

About The 较低的学校

Bulloch Academy从4岁开始为学生提供教育机会,通过我们的低年级K-4学前教育项目, which is funded by the Georgia Lottery. 学校对学生的承诺始于5年的幼儿园项目,两个年级都在一个单独的幼儿园区, which is attached to the lower school.

这两个项目的课程设置是根据幼儿在语言等方面的发展进程而定的, 数学, creative expression, 和自助. Developing positive attitudes to family, 首页, school and friends, learning appropriate skills, and knowledge are also priority objectives.

Bulloch Academy Student Handbook

可以找到最新的BA学生手册的副本 在这里!

The Counselor’s Website!



如果您对您的学生的EPI学校用品包选项不感兴趣, 每个类别所需的单独供应清单如下:

Kindergarten 货物清单

1st Grade 货物清单

2nd Grade 货物清单

3rd Grade 货物清单

4年级 货物清单

五年级 货物清单

6th Grade 货物清单

Summer Assignments- Coming Soon!

Dining Services

澳门银河与列克星敦独立学院合作,提供新鲜的, 健康的, and innovative dining experience for each student. 列克星敦是一家以厨师为中心的烹饪管理公司,将从当地农场采购季节性食品,以吸引所有年龄段的人!

轮换菜单将突出营养信息,并将是真实的准备, putting the health and tastes of our students first!

较低的学校 课程


学生 in kindergarten at Bulloch Academy will flourish socially and academically throughout the school year. The school provides enriching and challenging experiences that are developmentally appropriate. Teachers design thematic units that are incorporated into each subject and skill area taught. At the end of the year, our kindergarten students are honored with their own Kindergarten graduation. 这是一个特殊的庆祝活动,我们的许多高中毕业生记得参加自己的毕业典礼. 

  • Language and Literacy development
    • 通过撒克逊人的自然拼读法和平衡的识字方法,包括每天的引导阅读和整个小组阅读, 培养学生对字母和高频单词的识别能力, 流利, 理解, 写作, and phonemic awareness skills. The letter celebration days highlight the kindergarten language and literacy development at Bulloch Academy. 
  • 数学ematical Thinking
    • McGraw-Hill My数学项目在幼儿园实施. 学生 will develop skills related to number recognition, 计数, 模式, number comparison, ordinal numbers, 测量 and sorting, 形状, 硬币, and their values, 除了, and subtraction. 学生 acquire skills through a guided, hands-on approach with the use of manipulatives.   
  • 科学 and Social Studies
    • Carefully developed thematic units of study are integrated into the curriculum throughout the day. 学生 engage in various activities and hands-on experiments that develop their understanding of the unit. 
  • Gross Motor and Fine Motor development
    • 每天都有各种各样的活动来帮助学生发展他们的大运动和精细运动技能. 学生通过结构化的体育课参与体育教育.E. 每周的时间,以及运动时间和休息时间. 精细动作活动被纳入到各种活动中, such as 写作, 艺术作品, cutting with scissors, manipulating play-doh, 和更多的. 


澳门银河的一年级为学生提供了一个过渡时间,因为他们将进入更正式的语言艺术和数学教学. Teacher-developed thematic units are incorporated throughout each subject and enhance the students’ daily instruction. 学生 are guided through language and literacy instruction at a personalized and developmentally appropriate level. A highlight of First grade is the “Good Job” shop. 学生们赚“钱”,花“钱”是为了表现好, exposing them to real-world applications of 钱. 

  • English Language Arts
    • 澳门银河的语言艺术课程包括阅读, 写作, 拼写, 看字读音, 和语法. 一年级的学生通过使用撒克逊人的自然拼读法来发展这些技能, Guided Reading, 以及“阅读奇迹”系列的集体活动. 学生将接触到各种语音意识和语音技能,以操纵单词和声音,并在阅读时应用解码策略. 通过高频词汇的习得和口语阅读来强调流利性, focusing on speed, 精度, and expression. Comprehension skills include making predictions, identifying and understanding the beginning, 中间, and end of stories, retelling stories, identifying the main idea and supporting details, cause and effect relationships, and story elements. First-grade students learn to write multiple sentences that are complete and use parts of speech appropriately. 标点、大写和拼写技巧在学生的写作中被强调. 
  • 数学
    • Teachers use many lessons and learning strategies to teach 数学 skills in first grade. 动手材料用于开发各种概念的扎实理解. McGraw-Hill My数学程序是用来辅助跳跃式计数教学的, 除了 and subtraction, 舍入, identifying and labeling fractions (halves and quarters), 告诉时间, 测量, 几何, 图形, 钱, and word problems. 解决问题的能力被纳入到各种活动中.
  • 科学 and Social Studies
    • Beginning in first grade, teachers utilize the Inspire 科学 series, which focuses on the 5E science framework (engage, 探索, 解释, 精心制作的, and evaluate). 主题单元教授科学和社会研究的各种主题. Through experiments and hands-on activities, students are introduced to many scientific topics. 社会研究单元帮助学生成为富有成效和负责任的公民,同时学习历史以及历史如何影响他们周围的世界. 


学生 in Second-Grade become more independent learners through a variety of activities, including discussions, collaboration, and choice-board style tasks. Through integrated units of study, students are exposed to various skills on a daily basis. 二年级课程的一个亮点是南瓜读书报告项目. 在这些充满乐趣的活动中,学生们选择一本自己喜欢的书,并把南瓜装饰成书中最喜欢的角色或难忘的场景. 

  • English Language Arts
    • 二年级的学生开始从“学习阅读”向“阅读学习”转变,一年级教授的技能将通过各种策略得到扩展. 通过引导阅读的结合,学生继续培养对阅读的热爱, literature circles, and whole-group read-alouds. Targeted instruction occurs during daily reading groups, 根据学生的阅读水平来教授技能. Literature circles are used with a variety of books to boost student engagement and encourage a love for reading. 学生们通过这些文学圈子从章节书开始他们的旅程. Exposure to other cultures and experiences is integrated through independent book studies. 词汇和拼写也是二年级强调的两项技能, assisting students with their word knowledge acquisition.
  • 数学
    • In conjunction with the McGraw-Hill My 数学 课程, 以前学过的基本技能被重新审视和扩展. Skills are introduced through hands-on manipulatives before moving into symbolic representations. Number 模式, 位值, two-digit and three-digit 除了 and subtraction, 钱, time, 测量, data, 图形, 几何学的概念也在这一年中被介绍和教授. 日常事实流畅性是二年级数学课程的关键组成部分, 为学生准备未来年级的教学内容. 
  • 科学 and Social Studies
    • 二年级社会研究课程的重点是领导和政府水平,然后再深入研究格鲁吉亚. 对格鲁吉亚的研究侧重于符号、地区、历史和名人. 课程的一个亮点是著名的格鲁吉亚项目, 学生们研究一位来自乔治亚州的知名人士. 学生 create a poster and dress up as their chosen figure when presenting their research. The science curriculum begins with mapping landforms, 大陆, 在进入物质属性以及生物及其栖息地之前,地球的景观会发生变化. Through hands-on inquiry activities, 学生获得对各种科学概念的真实理解. 在春天,学生们研究一种动物及其需求和栖息地. 


对澳门银河的学生来说,三年级是关键的一年, as they apply their strong foundational knowledge in English language arts and 数学. Their independence is shown through class 项目, daily small group rotations, and problem-solving skills. 批判性思维适用于所有科目,并鼓励学生通过适当的术语表达他们对内容的理解. 三年级学生参加了哥伦比亚河岸动物园的实地考察, South Carolina each year, 这其中包含了他们在科学课程中学到的大部分知识. 

  • English Language Arts
    • 三年级的语言艺术和阅读课程是以文学为基础的. Through the use of short stories through the Reading Wonders curriculum and stand-alone novels, 理解 skills are heavily emphasized. 除了, 词汇表, 拼写, 语法, and 写作 are incorporated into a variety of activities when working with the literature. 学生学会欣赏和享受不同的体裁和类型的写作. Cursive 写作 is introduced and utilized in all aspects of the Language Arts curriculum. 
  • 数学 
    • 三年级的学生在二年级教授的基本加减法技能的基础上建立并扩展这些技能. Through the use of the McGraw-Hill My 数学 program, 在学习多位数乘法和除法之前,学生将对乘法和除法策略有一个概念性的理解. 学生通过使用数学旋转得到个性化的指导, in which they work with hands-on manipulatives to reteach and enrich mathematical concepts. Other concepts taught include fractions, elapsed time, 几何, 测量, and data analysis. 通过解决问题和实际应用,高阶思维策略被纳入每个学习单元. 
  • 科学
    • The Third Grade 科学 curriculum integrates hands-on learning experiences through experiments, 项目, 和实验室. 学生 study weather, life cycles and traits, 部队, 磁铁, 电, and different types of habitats. 特殊项目包括动物研究项目,学生研究并创建一个濒危物种栖息地的模型. When students present their project, they include the animal’s threats and solutions to help the animal come off of the endangered species list. 学生 also participate in a field trip to the Riverbanks Zoo to tie in real-life applications of science content. 
  • Social Studies
    • 社区是三年级社会研究课程的重点. 学生 begin by studying the rural, 城市, and sub城市 communities of today and how these communities were developed over many years. 学生 move into studying the famous 探索rs and how they helped the development of the United States. 地理技能强调与特殊的细节在佐治亚州, 以及美国的主要河流和山脉. 


四年级的学生被鼓励展示各种技能, including creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. 学生全年都参加独立和合作的小组.  In fourth grade, students are introduced to the math competition scene, 当他们参加雷吉·道森数学竞赛时. 四年级的一个亮点是一年一度的“创智赢家”项目. 学生 showcase their knowledge and creativity in this project-based learning activity, which incorporates all subjects. This project allows them to invent an item, write a pitch, create an advertisement, and use their information to share their creativity with peers and faculty in their final presentation, in front of a group of “sharks.”

  • English Language Arts
    • 四年级的学生继续通过阅读奇迹课程中的短篇故事以及小说研究来建立他们基于文学的经验. Each Reading unit focuses on a specific theme/story, a specific genre, 并帮助学生理解理解策略和词汇策略,鼓励他们在阅读和更深入地分析文本时学会质疑自己. The literary skills learned in 4th grade incorporate different genres and their characteristics, and a variety of 理解 strategies (prediction, 测序, cause and effect, 重读, comparing and contrasting). 学生 will also learn the skill of using context clues, identifying synonyms, 成语, and other figurative language to help them determine the meaning of words that may be new to them. 
  • 数学
    • Fluency, problem-solving, and project-based learning are staples of the fourth-grade math curriculum. 学生通过使用动手活动来加强对数学概念的深入理解. Individualized and differentiated instruction is implemented daily through math rotations. 学生通过目标导向和自我导向的学习活动获得掌握. 
  • 科学
    • Fourth grade science curriculum exposes students to various units of study with specific focuses in earth science, 生物, and physical science. 学生将在地球科学课程中学习地球地貌和地震, 生命科学中生物体的结构和功能, 和力, 能源, and 能源 transfer in physical science. Through hands-on activities, 模型, 项目, and experiments, 学生将对这些主题有更深入的了解.
  • Social Studies
    • 四年级的社会研究课程涵盖了从第一批美国人到西部扩张的美国历史. 学生 begin the year reviewing map and geography skills by learning information about maps, United States regions, 以及美国各地不同的地貌/水体, as well as learning how to apply latitude and longitude when reading a map and how to use a compass rose. 下一个, 学生深入研究早期美洲原住民部落和文化, the contributions of the first 探索rs in the Americas, and the colonization of America. 这一年以13个殖民地的形成和美国的独立结束. 合作和项目是四年级课程的一大亮点. 在社会研究中所学到的信息是跨学科的,通过新颖的研究融入语言艺术,为我们的学生带来生活的历史.


Fifth-grade students have a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their leadership and academic skills. 学生 begin participating in 4-H, 在此过程中,学生被引导通过选举过程来选择班干部和参与服务项目. 学生也有机会成为数学团队的一员, 参加每年三月举行的佩妮·赛克斯数学竞赛. 学生撰写并出版一本班级用书,这是五年级的一大亮点. 

  • English Language Arts
    • 学生 in 5th grade are taught English Language Arts through a variety of novel studies, developing their reading 理解 and thinking skills through high-quality literature. 新颖的研究可以让学生接触到不同的观点,并让他们对不同的观点进行想象和理解. 学生参与促进和发展沟通的活动, 理解, 词汇表, and critical thinking strategies and skills. Grammar and 词汇表 are taught through the use of Sadlier workbooks and daily spiral reviews. 语法技巧贯穿全年,被纳入写作项目,这样学生就可以把他们所学到的东西付诸实践.
  • 数学
    • 在五年级,让学生利用一个互动的数学课程,包括练习册和网络版,为学生提供有意义的参与机会. 全年都高度强调数学练习. 除了复习和扩展以前学过的概念, fifth-grade math teaches a variety of new concepts that are built upon in the 中间 school years, including expressions and 模式, 指数, 整数, prime factorization, fraction and decimal operations, 测量, 和几何. 
  • 科学
    • 五年级学生通过互动科学项目学习,该项目提供可消费的教科书和带有大量有用资源的在线版本. Areas of study include Matter, 植物, Living Things, Earth’s Major Systems, Earth’s Interactive Systems, and Space Patterns. 五年级以项目为基础的科学活动有助于激发好奇心, improve critical thinking, deepen understanding, 培养在现实世界中创造性地解决问题的能力.
  • Social Studies
    • 五年级的学生以全面的地理复习开始这一年,然后将其纳入每个学习单元. 学生 move into the study of the United States and the world starting with the Civil War through World War II. 几个基于项目的活动被纳入课程,让学生全年参与,使历史栩栩如生.   
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